Samsung Galaxy Note

Sunday, 20 November 2011

BlackBerry TAG, Aplikasi NFC Untuk BlackBerry

BlackBerry TAG, Aplikasi NFC Untuk BlackBerry - Dalam beberapa waktu lagi kita akan diperkenalkan dengan 'Smart Tag'. Aplikasi yang memungkinkan kita berbagi foto dari BlackBerry ke BlackBerry melalui NFC. BlackBerry TAG adalah nama baru dan RIM bertujuan untuk memperkenalkannya sebagai salah satu keunggulan dari perangkat gadgetnya.

Aplikasi ini bekerja dengan membaca NFC pada setiap perangkat Kemudian dibuat tersambung dengan Bluetooth yang memungkinkan kita dengan secara cepat berbagi nada dering, catatan suara, kontak, gambar, video, item kalender, dokumen, spreadsheet, presentasi PowerPoint, PDF, link browser, dan banyak lagi.

Penasaran bagaimana cara bekerjanya?. Cek video berikut ini, dan nantikan kamu akan bisa menikmatinya dari perangkat BlackBerry.

Download Mp3 Gratis Terbaru dari iTube Match

Download Mp3 Gratis Terbaru dari iTube Match - iTunes Match, fitur musik terbaru dari Apple, resmi diluncurkan.

Fitur ini memungkinkan para penggunanya untuk memutar lagu-lagu pilihan dari device apapun, cukup dengan membayar AS$ 25 per tahun. iTunes Match dapat digunakan setelah mengunduh versi terbaru dari iTunes (iTunes 10.5.1).

Seperti inilah cara kerja iTunes Match. Setelah Anda mendaftar, iTunes akan melakukan scanning dalam music library Anda dan mencocokkan setiap lagu dengan daftar yang ada di iTunes Library. Lagu-lagu yang tidak cocok akan di-upload ke fitur cloud. iTunes Match akan menyimpan daftar lagu yang Anda miliki dan Anda dapat mendengarkannya dimana saja, selama masih tersambung dalam jaringan internet.

Seperti ditulis Huffington Post, Senin (14/11), seluruh lagu yang berhasil diunduh dapat diputar dengan kualitas tinggi, 256kbps AAC melalui web, apapun format lagu yang ada di komputer Anda.

Apple menyebutkan, ini bukan streaming, karena setiap lagu yang ingin Anda dengarkan secara langsung diunduh ke dalam ‘wadah’ tersendiri yang Anda miliki di iTunes Match. Tak perlu buffering berlama-lama, nyaris sama seperti saat mendengarkan musik dari ponsel atau MP3 player lainnya.

iTunes Match diluncurkan Senin lalu, hanya satu hari sebelum sang pesaing, Google, meluncurkan fitur pemutar musiknya sendiri. Apple memberi batasan jumlah device dan lagu yang dapat Anda simpan dalam iTunes Match. Total 10 device dan 25 ribu lagu dapat Anda nikmati dengan layanan yang satu ini.

Sayangnya, iTunes Match baru dapat dinikmati di AS. Ini kabar tak terlalu bagus, ternyata.

Sistem Operasi Baru BlackBerry : BBX

BBX : Sistem Operasi Baru BlackBerry - Research In Motion (RIM) mengumumkan sistem operasi terbaru yang diberi nama BBX di ajang BlackBerry Devcon Americas di San Francisco, AS, Selasa (18/10/2011). BBX yang berbasis platform QNX akan digunakan di smartphone dan tablet masa depan buatan RIM.

Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Co CEO RIM Mike Lazaridis juga mengumumkan perangkat pengembangan yang dibutuhkan para developer untuk membuat aplikasi yang lebih kaya di BlackBerry. BBX sendiri tetap mendukung aplikasi yang telah dibuat di BlackBerry PlayBook. Tools pengembangan yang sudah ada juga tetap dapat digunakan seperti SDK Adobe Air/F;ash, Webworks/HTML5, dan BlackBerry Runtime for Android Apps.

"Kami memberikan arahan untuk membuat aplikasi terbaik di smartphone dan tablet saat platform Blackberry dan QNX menyatu ke platform generasi terbaru BBX," kata Mike Lazridis. Namun, RIM belum mengungkapkan lebih rinci seperti apa tampilan user interface BBX dan target rilis ke publik.

Pada konferensi yang ditujukan untuk para pengembang aplikasi itu, RIM juga mengumumkan Native SDK fot the BlackBerry PlayBook. Dengan perangkat pengembangan baru ini, developer dapat membuat aplikasi berkinerja tinggi, multithread, native C/C++, dan bahkan game 3D dengan OpenGL ES 2.0 dan Open AL. BlackBerry juga menyediakan BlackBerry Webworks SDK 2.2 untuk membangun aplikasi native berbasis HTML5 pada smartphone dan tablet.

BlackBerry 9790 Gratis

BlackBerry 9790 Gratis - RIM meluncurkan BlackBerry 9790 untuk pertama kalinya, di Indonesia. Acara peluncuran ini digelar di Hotel Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, Jakarta, malam ini (15/11/2011).

Acara peluncuran BlackBerry 9790 digelar secara eksklusif oleh RIM dengan mengundang partner, media, dan undangan VIP yang seluruhnya dipilih secara khusus. Untuk menghadiri acara ini, tamu harus membawa kartu undangan yang telah dikirim seminggu sebelumnya.

Banyak yang bertanya soal "ketatnya" undangan peluncuran kali ini. Sebelum acara ini digelar, beredar kabar RIM akan "bagi-bagi" unit BlackBerry yang akan dirilis. Ternyata, kabar tersebut benar adanya, tamu undangan yang datang di acara ini masing-masing mendapatkan satu unit BlackBerry 9790.

Ya, RIM memberikan secara cuma-cuma BlackBerry Bellagio ke semua undangan yang hadir. Dari pengamatan, terdapat lebih dari 300 tamu yang hadir dan beruntung mendapat kejutan dari RIM ini.

BlackBerry 9790 (Bellagio) ini sendiri merupakan penerus seri Onyx yang kali ini menggunakan dua metode input, layar sentuh dan keyboard QWERTY. Spesifikasinya mirip dengan BlackBerry 9900 Dakota, hanya dengan dimensi dan ukuran layar yang lebih kecil.

Berikut Spesifikasi  BlackBerry 9790 Lengkapnya:

Dimensi : 110 x 60 x 11,4 mm
Layar: 2,45 inci, resolusi 480 x 360, touchscreen
Network: Quad-band GSM 850 /900 /1800 /1900 MHz, Konektivitas: 3G, HSDPA, WiFi b/g/n, NFC support, Bluetooth
Prosesor : 1,2 GHz
Memori: RAM 768 MB, Memori internal 8GB, Memori eksternal dengan format microSD yang dapat di-upgrade hingga 32 GB
Kamera: 5MP autofokus, auto face detection, image stabilization, 2x digital zoom, 2.592 x 1944 piksel, camera zoom, video capture, VGA (640 x 480)
OS : BlackBerry OS versi 7
Fitur : A-GPS, Blackberry Maps, Kompas digital yang baru, akselerometer (Magnetometer), Proximity Sensor
Baterai: 1230 mAh

Harga Dan Spesifikasi Blackberry 9790 [ Onyx 3 ] Indonesia

Harga Dan Spesifikasi Blackberry 9790 [ Onyx 3 ] Indonesia - Indonesia patut berbangga karena menjadi negara pertama di dunia yang menjadi tempat launching Blackberry 9790 (Bellagio). Indonesia juga pernah sebagai negara pertama di Asia Pasifik atas peluncuran Blackberry Torch beberapa waktu lalu.

Dalam kotak pembungkus Bellagio, Blackberry memberikan packaging yang eksklusif dan terdapat kata-kata “Indonesia First in the World”. Pengguna Blackberry di Indonesia akan mendapatkan perangkat ini sebelum pengguna Blackbery lainnya di seluruh dunia.

Bold 9790 ini bisa disebut Onyx 3 atau nama resminya adalah Blackberry Bellagio mempunyai kemampuan touch and type (layar sentuh dan keyboard QWERTY) seperti di Blackberry Dakota. Mirip dengan Dakota 9900, Bellagio dilengkapi dengan 8 GB internal storage, fitur NFC untuk mobile payment, dan diperkuat dengan prosesor 1,2 GHz.

Layarnya lebih mungil dibandingkan Dakota yang sudah 2,8 inci, tetapi RIM mengklaim touchscreen-nya lebih responsif. Dimensinya tidak jauh berbeda dengan pendahulunya, Dakota. Bellagio memiliki ukuran 110 mm x 60 mm x 11,4 mm, sedangkan Dakota memiliki dimensi 115 mm x 66 mm x 10,5 mm.

"Ini berarti lebih mungil dari pendahulunya," kata Jim Balsillie, Co-Chief Executive Officer Research in Motion saat peluncurannya di Jakarta, Selasa (15/11/2011).

Yang membedakan dengan pendahulunya adalah susunan tombol menu yang lebih menonjol dan posisi lubang charger yang ada di bagian bawah, bukan di samping seperti seri yang lain.

Blackberry Bellagio resmi masuk di Indonesia pada 25 November 2011 yang dibanderol seharga Rp 4,599 juta dengan mitra resmi PT Teletama Artha Mandiri, PT Comtech Celluler, dan PT Selular Media Infotama.

Inilah spesifikasi Blackberry 9790 Bellagio:

Dimensi: 110 mm x 60 mm x 11,4 mm
Layar: 2,45 inci, resolusi 480 x 360, touchscreen
Network: Quadband GSM 850 /900 /1800 /1900 MHz
Konektivitas: 3G, HSDPA, WiFi b/g/n, NFC support, Bluetooth
Prosesor: 1,2 GHz
Memori: RAM 768 MB, Memori internal 8GB, Memori eksternal dengan format microSD yang dapat di-upgrade hingga 32 GB
Kamera: 5 MP autofokus, auto face detection, image stabilization, 2x digital zoom, 2.592 x 1.944 piksel, camera zoom, video capture, VGA (640 x 480)
OS: BlackBerry OS versi 7
Fitur: A-GPS, Blackberry Maps, Digital Compas, akselerometer (Magnetometer), Proximity Sensor
Baterai: 1230 mAh

Aplikasi Hadir di Blackberry 9790 Bellagio

Aplikasi Hadir di Blackberry 9790 Bellagio - Aplikasi kini sudah bisa diunduh di perangkat Blackberry 9790 Bellagio. Hal itu merupakan komitmen untuk memberi inovasi layanan dalam menikmati digital media.

Aplikasi versi 4.1 ini hanya berukuran 406 KB dan bisa diunduh di App World. Aplikasi ini telah dirilis sejak 28 Mei 2010.

Kecenderungan untuk selalu bisa diakses di perangkat digital karena salah satu lini bisnis dari Kompas Gramedia Group tersebut ingin lebih serius dalam mengembangkan mobile internet di Indonesia dan dunia internasional. Apalagi melihat peluang bahwa perkembangan internet khususnya penggunaan mobile internet di Indonesia termasuk pesat.

Pengguna Blackberry dapat menikmati 17 kanal seperti Bola, Entertainment, Tekno, Otomotif, Female, Health, Properti, Nasional, Megapolitan, Bisnis, Sains, Travel, Regional, Internasional, Olahraga, Edukasi dan Oase.

Begitu juga ada kanal komunitas seperti urban Serpong, Kompasiana dan Kompas Forum serta kanal yang menghubungkan dengan Kompas Cetak.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

DealGoing Indonesia, Situs Agregator Social Commerce

DealGoing Indonesia, Situs Agregator Social Commerce - Social commerce today has sprung up to offer a selection of our products are sold in cyberspace. By utilizing a State like this then, DealGoing which is the aggregate in order to accommodate large number of social commerce in Indonesia.

The Aggregate might still very unfamiliar to our ears. Aggregate here means a collection of some social commerce that is sorted by the ranking of a product that is very popular and widely consumed by the customers. The current behavior or culture to consume the goods have found a new way. Advertising on television is currently less trigger the desire of people to consume the goods. This is due to a sense of lack of trust in the goods that are offered through advertising.

Social Media like Facebook and Twitter are now a lot of attention from the community Indonesia suck. Even this nation has entered into the ranks of countries with the greatest social media users in the world. The link between social media is now when someone buys a product and its mempublish in social media, then it can be seen in the crowd, so that it will trigger other people to buy these products because they believe more in a friend's recommendation is actually using these items.

"People now believe more in social media effect whereby if there is a friend of his who promote a good stuff in there, then your friends on social media both known and unknown, could be compelled to buy products that have been recommended. This is new behavior in the transaction, "said Lukman Tedi, the Virtual Founder of Online Strategic Consulting, DealGoing on-line marketing partner.

DealGoing different with social commerce because dealGoing is meta social commerce, social networking sites are interlinked like collection of several social commerce unite in order to be selected more selective by online consumers. The bottom line, DealGoing help how the whole social commerce more acquaint their goods on consumers.

"DealGoing different with social commerce because we are a collection of information about a product sold through discount or vocer. To create a classification based on rank to make these products meet consumer satisfaction due to visible ranking on such products indicates the popularity of the goods sold are sold. We benefit based on a large number of visitors who see the DealGoing or of kliknya paper, "explains Edward Kim, co-founder of DealGoing.

It appears that the establishment of the DealGoing where appropriate, seeing as much social commece with daily deal emerged, based on the location and other categories of products, and Edward is attempting to make DealGoing a meta social commerce no. 1 in Asia.

"We build DealGoing as an aggregate Indonesia first in Asia that provides convenience for consumers online who need speed, data accuracy and ease. This is due to the increasing number of any user of the internet in Indonesia which reached 45 million users (According To the year 2010). With a high level of mobility, of course, the internet users only have a little time to dance to attractive offers. DealGoing attend to give ease on consumers online to get information that can be viewed through a single opening on the display screen, "said Edward

Prior to its inauguration DealGoing have prepared a few technologies that can support the aggregate process goes well. First, the social commerce partners with DealGoing to provide information to visitors through RSS, besides social commerce that wants to team up to deliver the information in realtime by sending their data via an XML script, so that any deal will appear and update in realtime in a display of DealGoing. XML is a technology advertising that can present information directly.

The second step is done DealGoing is using the latest cloud server technology from Microsoft. Cloud technology is indeed very helpful on your server to start a business online with a simple and could hit the production costs. The use of the cloud is elastic, i.e. can change according to the needs of the solicitor, in either large or small scale. Later, the cloud can be accessed anywhere, anytime and on any device.

"It set up an aggregator on top of Microsoft technologies for Cloud computing, the underlining that Microsoft technology is the best solution for our society that is increasingly mobile and borderless," sparks Irving Hutagalung, ISV and Enterpreneurship Program Manager, Microsoft Indonesia.

DealGoing adopt a cloud computing solution developed PT. Infinys System named CloudWin Indonesia, which uses the platform from Microsoft. "For social commerce as meta DealGoing, one of the products in cloud computing,

Apple Restrict of Galaxy Tab 6.3 Sales in Europe

Apple Restrict of Galaxy Tab 6.3 Sales in Europe - After successfully delayed the launch of the Galaxy Tab 6.3 in Australia, Apple sells Samsung step back of drawing its flagship tablet in the European Union.

Reuters reported, Wednesday (10/8/2011), Germany Court banning the Samsung Electronics to sell Galaxy Tab 6.3 in all EU countries except the Netherlands, until the capture of patent cases resolved by Apple.

Shinyoung Securities analyst in Seoul, Lee Seung-woo believed this would affect the decision above sales Galaxy tabs. "no doubt, this Court's decision will impact negative for Samsung, which has a lot of cases with Apple. The process of this litigation could have resulted in a decline in sales and increased operating costs, "he said.

Apple claimed that Samsung has been cheating design and technology of the iPhone or iPad to the smartphone and tablet product line of their Galaxy. A feud between Apple and Samsung has been going on since April, and so far the technology giant's Cupertino became parties benefited.

An Apple spokesman confirmed that Kristin Huguet Dusseldorf District Court temporarily granted their lawsuits against the Galaxy Tab 6.3. But he could not give an explanation of why the decision was not applicable in the Netherlands.

Samsung, meanwhile, insists that it will appeal against the verdict. "Samsung got no notice of the filing of this claim. In addition, the decision rendered by the Court without any process of hearings or the submission of evidence from Samsung, Samsung protest ".

"We will take any steps to ensure the mobile communication device is available for all Samsung could our consumers in Europe and other countries in the world,"

Galaxy Tab 10.1 Singapore Release Date

Galaxy Tab 10.1 Singapore Release Date - Germany will hold a trial court hearings between Samsung and Apple on August 25, before deciding to ' fate ' marketing of Samsung Galaxy Tab 6.3 in Europe.

The plan, Apple and Samsung would convey the demands and their defence before the courts of Germany, next week. Meanwhile, his decision alone is estimated to be newly released early September. As reported by Cnet, Monday (3/8/2011).

Last week, the Court of Germany prohibits the Samsung Electronics to sell Galaxy Tab 6.3 in all EU countries except the Netherlands, following the demands of the Apple that was out of South Korea from vendors that imitate design and technology on the iPad or iPhone.

"It's not a coincidence if the latest Samsung products similar to the iPhone and iPad, ranging from hardware to display the user interface, even the packaging," cetus Apple some time ago.

Responding to the decision to the detriment of his part, insisted on conducting appeals. Samsung Moreover, they claim there is absolutely no such judicial process related information.

"Samsung got no notice of the filing of this claim. In addition, the decision rendered by the Court without any process of hearings or the submission of evidence from Samsung, Samsung protest ".

"We will do anything to ensure the Samsung mobile devices available to consumers in Europe and around the world," stated Samsung.

Samsung Prepare a big surprise for Galaxy Tab

Samsung Prepare a big surprise for Galaxy Tab - Samsung keeps something big to be introduced for the first time at the IFA event in 2011, in Berlin, Germany. Although it is still kept secret, many observers who suspect such surprises are not far from the line up the Tabs, the Galaxy tablet is indeed reap tremendous success.

One rumor that most santer sounded is Samsung will introduce the latest generation P6200 tablet, which is an upgrade of their first Android tablet Tab Galaxy 7 inches. These improvements will focus on strengthening its own screen resolution is displayed.

Rumornya in the IFA 2011 later, Galaxy 7 inch Tab will use the new screen super Amoled display with a resolution of SVGA with resolution 1024x600 pixel density level. So that is reported by the Oled Display, Monday (8/22/2011).

Samsung own currently have ready producing Super Amoled screen technology with HD with a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixel pentile. Technology of renewable technologies is the pentile himself who is able to make the screen brighter, however present able to trim energy with less.

In addition, vendors from South Korea have also set up a Super Amoled screen HD Plus without pentile technology. The screen was to provide better contrast and bright screen level with maximum.

There has been no definite information from Samsung, because they still hold meetings of surprises that will be given to these events will be held next month.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Blackberry Onyx 3 9790 Specs


* TFT Capacitive Touchscreen Display
* 320 x 480 pixels display resolution
* Accelerometer Sensor
* High Resolution Camera
* 2592 x 1944 Pixels camera resolution
* Digital Zoom
* Video Streaming
* Multi Format Video Player
* WAP 2.0, HTML, xHTML Browser
* BlackBerry (7) Operating System
* Internal Memory of 8GB
* Up to 32GB External Memory
* Supports Micro SD Card slot
* Instant Messaging
* Multi Format Music Player
* Audio Streaming
* 3.5mm Audio Jack
* Speaker & Headset
* GPRS & Bluetooth Connectivity
* Micro USB 2.0 port
* Full Qwert Keypad
* HSDPA 7.2Mbps, HSUPA 2.0Mbps 3G

Xiaomi Phone Specs and Price

Xiaomi Phone Specs and Price - Xiaomi not long ago had introduced Xiaomi Phone with specs better than iPhone 4 and Samsung Galaxy S2. Founder of Xiaomi Lei Jun says cell phones will Xiaomi was powered by a dual-core processor measuring 1.5 gigahertz. This is faster than the iPhone 4 that use processors 1 GHz and 1.2 GHz dual-core worn Samsung S2. Like an estimated Xiaomi using the Android operating system.

This smart phone will be sold online. Forum members are said to reach 500,000 Xiaomi users from around the world will be one of the target.

"Forty percent of our forum members are outside China," said Lei Jun, China Daily quoted daily.

Xiaomi said online orders opened at the end of this month for delivery in October.

For the highest specification, with the price of 310 dollars Xiaomi around half the prices of the cheapest iPhone 4.

BlackBerry Storm 3 9860 Specs and Feature

BlackBerry Storm 3 9860 Specs and Feature

General 2G Network GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
3G Network HSDPA 900 / 1700 / 2100
HSDPA 850 / 1900 / 2100 / 800
Size Dimensions 120 x 62 x 11.5 mm
Weight 135 g
Display Type TFT capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
Size 480 x 800 pixels, 3.7 inches
- Optical trackpad
- Multi-touch input method
- Proximity sensor for auto turn-off
- Accelerometer sensor for auto-rotate
Sound Alert types Vibration, MP3 ringtones
Loudspeaker Yes
3.5mm jack Yes
Memory Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and fields, Photocall
Call records Yes
Internal 4 GB storage, 768 MB RAM
Card slot microSD, up to 32GB
Data GPRS Yes
3G HSDPA 14.4 Mbps, HSUPA 5.76 Mbps
WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
Bluetooth Yes, v2.1 with A2DP
Infrared port No
USB Yes, microUSB v2.0
Camera Primary 5 MP, 2592?1944 pixels, autofocus
Features Geo-tagging, continuous auto-focus, image stabilization, face detection
Video Yes, 720p
Features OS BlackBerry OS 7
CPU 1.2 GHz processor
Messaging SMS, MMS, Email, Push Email, IM
Browser HTML
Games Yes + downloadable
Colors Black
GPS Yes, with A-GPS support
Java Yes, MIDP 2.1
- Social feeds
- BlackBerry maps
- Document viewer (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Media player MP3/WMA/eAAC+/FlAC/OGG player
- Video player DivX/XviD/MP4/WMV/H.263/H.264
- Organizer
- Voice memo/dial
Battery Standard battery, Li-Ion 1230 mAh

BlackBerry Bold 9900 New York Release Date and Price Tag

BlackBerry Bold 9900 New York Release Date and Price Tag
T-Mobile will reportedly introduce the BlackBerry Bold 9900 of research In Motion (NASDAQ:RIMM) by August 31. This report follows the announcement of Sprint and Verizon that it will include the upcoming BlackBerry Bold 9930 in their respective smartphone lineup.

An earlier leaked video revealed the supposed BlackBerry Bold 9930 of Verizon (NYSE:VZ) however the smartphone on the video was later identified as the BlackBerry Bold 9900 of T-Mobile which is intended for use on the 4G network of the mobile service provider.

The BlackBerry Bold 9900 will reportedly feature a multi-touch screen measuring 2.8 inches, full-QWERY keyboard, the latest BlackBerry 7OS, Liquid Graphics, a web browser with an augmented reality, and a search function which is voice activated.

The BlackBerry Bold 9900 will also feature an enterprise security feature similar to the BlackBerry Bold 9930 which allows IT managers to remotely delete the data on the device in order to avert the copying of company data into other devices.
BlackBerry Bold 9900

The BlackBerry Bold 9900 and the Bold 9930 have similar features including the 1.2GHz Snapdragon microprocessor, 768MB RAM, 8GB of internal storage which can be expanded to 32GB through microSD memory cards, and a 5MP camera that is capable of recording 720p HD videos.

Both the BlackBerry Bold 9900 and the BlackBerry Bold 9930 also feature NFC, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. With the rave reviews for the BlackBerry Bold 9930, observers have indicated T-Mobile will just have to persuade a number of BlackBerry enthusiasts to acquire the BlackBerry Bold 9900 once it enters the market.

The company is also optimistic that companies may acquire the BlackBerry Bold 9900 for use by its employees which is shown by start of the pre-selling of the device prior to its availability in the market for other consumers. However some observers have some reservations on the price tag of the BlackBerry Bold 9900, which is at $300 after the mail-in rebate of $50, since it may be too high for companies especially with the current state of the economy.

The BlackBerry Bold 9930 is being offered by Verizon and Sprint (NYSE:S) at $250, which may become a major drawback for the BlackBerry Bold 9900 of T-Mobile.

Setting Mikrotik VPN / PPTP

Setting Mikrotik VPN / PPTP
PPTP Server :
- Mikrotik OS 2.9.0 Stable (Latest Version)

- CPU and motherboard : advanced 4th generation (core frequency 100MHz or more), 5th generation (Intel Pentium, Cyrix 6X86, AMD K5 or comparable) or newer uniprocessor Intel IA-32 (i386) compatible (multiple processors are not supported)
- RAM :minimum 32 MiB, maximum 1 GiB; 64 MiB or more recommended
- STORAGE medium :standard ATA/IDE interface controller and drive (not supported SCSI, USB controllers n drives, RAID controllers that require additional drivers) minimum of 64 Mb space; Flash and Microdrive devices may be connected using an adapted with ATA interface.

NOTE : If your machine have SATA Drive, ensure that your Machine BIOS, support COMBINED / LEGACY mode at SATA CONTROLLER (ini pengalaman pribadi), klo enggak coba tukerin tu mesin ma yang support aja hehehe .. ato jual ato anggurin dan minta maap hihihi tapi tetep usaha dulu ampe mentok n kringetan sapa tau ada ide.

How to Install :

1. Install Mikrotik OS
-Prepare ingredient ... hehe ... not a dink .... buy the machine just yet ... server/PC minimum Pentium II also gak papa RAM 64
-In the server/PC there is at least 2 ethernet kudu, 1 in the direction of Firewall and 1 again to the Network that will be sent to Dr. Internet via VPN.
-Prepare your CDROM to install (it's one of the ways other than via the Net Install and Pendrive learn ndiri create PR)
-Burn Source CD Mikrotik OS entries into CDROM
-Boot from CDROM
-Follow the instructions there, don't ragu2 hehehehe, klo wrong Yes ... try again ... damaged Purchased again ^ _ ^
-Install paket2 main: System, PPP (for PPTP), Advanced Tools, Routing, Security.
-After all the packages installed then y6ang it takes to install it, press "I"
-Old Install if your PC/Server Healthy about 5 minutes more dr.. discard the new aja server replace ...
-Once installed wrong. so klo normal everything. When the system restarts. It will be the login page kluar Mikrotik.

2. Configure Mikrotik OS (for VPN/PPTP)
-Login with the Default admin User: Username:
Password: not have filled directly ENTER course
-Type "/setup"
-Select to setup networknya [...] follow the instructions there. coba aja do not be afraid. .. kok gak pregnant
-Adjust the IP Network ID of addressnya with the IP of the PC/Server where the backup configuration Mikrotik Earlier in order to FTP-in (this klo udah never install and backup configurasinya)
-test ping to the IP of the PC/Server backup when normal ... then it is ready to do a restore.

3. Restore Configurasi:
-FTP first to mikrotik by IP, User and password match the previous configurasi.
-after login type "bin" trus ENTER to binary mode
-then type "put FILE_BACKUP_MIKROTIK" enter trus ... kuduna mah success (NOTE: before doing the FTP, there should be in the folder where the backup files are located).
-Type "quit" to kluar nomernya g
-on the PC/Server where the backup's mikrotik, open Internet Explorer typing trus dah there "IP_ADDRESS_MIKROTIK_ELU"
WINBOX program.EXE on the Web that is open (click the image his aja Winbox).
-Once the download is done. Click two times tu downloadan.. klo normal would appear the WINBOX
-ketikin in the IP ADDRESS mikrotik WINBOX, lu, ma username password trus CONNECT
-After you sign in successfully.. Click on the FILE. then select an existing File. Click "RESTORE"

4. Backup Configurasi:
-Preferably every night configuration Mikrotik in backup from being confused when there are problems with the entry to the FILE on WINBOX
-Delete the previous backup (make sure it is backed up), and after the empty click BACKUP.
-go to START--> RUN--> CMD on a PC that will be the backup
-go to the folder where the backup file set mo (e.g. "d:" then "cd MikrotikBckup")
-ftp to the Mikrotik (eg: "ftp IP_MIKROTIK_ELU" trus ENTER)
-Enter User and password
-After signing in. .. then go to the BIN by way of type "bin" trus ENTER.
-Type "ls" to display the contents of the backup
-type the "get NAMA_FILE_BACKUP" Trus ENTER to pick it up.
-Type "QUIT" to kluar nomernya g

5. Mikrotik Firewall Rules at:
-On WINBOX, Click IP--> Firewall--> SOURCE NAT
-In table Source NAT, add:
Masquerade packet dr SOURCE NETWORK_ID_LAN_ELU/NETWORK_ID_YANG_DITUJU/NETMASK_LAN_ELU to the DESTINATION with the OUTGOING INTERFACE NETMASK_YANG_DITUJU is the name of the interface that the DESTINATION dipake buat (look at the IP--> ADDRESS)

6. Enable PPTP Server:
-After the PPTP Server then appears a table enable-kan, the entire parameter defaults, and check the entire authentication (so as not to nyetting security on client ribet PPTP).
-Create IP POOL that serves Dynamic IP delivers on every incoming PPTP connections and manages to connect by means of:
a. click the--> IP POOL, click the "+" and provide your name and masukkkan network or IP range.
b. click OK, Finish ... already? not yet ... the road is still long comrade heheeh.. terusin read the underlying gih. ^_^
-create USER PPTP

BlackBerry Bold 9930 launches on Verizon [Press Release]

BlackBerry Bold 9930 launches on Verizon [Press Release]
Verizon has sent out the following press release letting everyone know that the Bold 9930 is now for sale on their website and will be available in stores on August 25. The full press release is featured below and continues past the break.
Press Release
Verizon Wireless Introduces the New BlackBerry® Bold™ 9930 Smartphone
Thinnest BlackBerry Smartphone Features Power and the Perfect Union of a High-Performance Keyboard and Touch Display On the Nation’s Most Reliable Network
BASKING RIDGE, NJ – Verizon Wireless today announced the new BlackBerry® Bold 9930 smartphone is available online at and will be available in Verizon Wireless Communications Stores on August 25.
The BlackBerry Bold 9930 smartphone is the thinnest BlackBerry smartphone yet, measuring only 10.5 mm, and is the first BlackBerry Bold to integrate a touch display with a BlackBerry keyboard. This smartphone is performance driven and powered by the new BlackBerry® 7 operating system to deliver the ultimate in communication, multimedia and productivity for Verizon Wireless customers.
BlackBerry 7:
  • Next generation BlackBerry browser has optimized zooming and panning for smoother Web navigation and optimized HTML5 performance.
  • Premium version of Documents To Go is now included at no additional cost, offering customers enhanced document editing features, as well as a native PDF document viewer.
  • The newest release of BBMTM (BlackBerry Messenger) now offers the real-time BBM experience together with a range of apps including gaming and social networking.
  • Liquid GraphicsTM technology combines a dedicated high-performance graphics processor with a blazingly fast CPU and stunning high-resolution display to deliver a responsive touch interface with incredibly fast and smooth graphics.
  • Updated Social Feeds app has been extended to capture updates from media, podcasts and more all in one consolidated view.
  • Universal search capability now supports voice-activated search, allowing customers to simply say what they want to find on their device or the Web.
  • BlackBerry® Balance is integrated in BlackBerry 7, allowing customers to enjoy the full BlackBerry smartphone experience for both work and personal use. BlackBerry Balance allows secure access to business information while preventing the information from being copied into, sent from, or used by personal applications. An administrator can also remotely wipe business information from the device while leaving personal information intact.

Key features:
  • 3G coverage on the nation’s most reliable network
  • 2.8-inch touchscreen display (640 x 480)
  • Full backlit QWERTY keyboard with trackpad navigation
  • 1.2 GHz processor
  • 5-megapixel camera with flash and 720p HD video recording capabilities
  • Global-ready – Quad band with support for UMTS, HSPA, GSM, GPRS and EDGE allowing customers to enjoy wireless voice and data service in more than 200 countries, including more than 125 countries with 3G speeds
  • Wi-Fi a/b/g/n, GPS and Bluetooth® 2.1
  • microSDTM card slot with support for cards up to 32 GB
  • Push to Talk capability will be enabled through an over-the-air update

Pricing and availability:
  • BlackBerry® BoldTM 9930 smartphone is available for $249.99 with a new two-year customer agreement.
  • Customers that purchase a BlackBerry® BoldTM 9930 smartphone will need to subscribe to a Verizon Wireless Nationwide Talk plan beginning at $39.99 for monthly access and a smartphone data package starting at $30 monthly access for 2 GB of data.
For more information on Verizon Wireless products and services, visit a Verizon Wireless Communications Store, call 1-800-2 JOIN IN or go to
About Verizon Wireless
Verizon Wireless operates the nation’s fastest, most advanced 4G network and largest, most reliable 3G network. The company serves 106.3 million total wireless connections, including 89.7 million retail customers. Headquartered in Basking Ridge, N.J., with 83,000 employees nationwide, Verizon Wireless is a joint venture of Verizon Communications (NYSE, NASDAQ: VZ) and Vodafone (LSE, NASDAQ: VOD). For more information, visit To preview and request broadcast-quality video footage and high-resolution stills of Verizon Wireless operations, log on to the Verizon Wireless Multimedia Library at
The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and trademarks of Research In Motion Limited.

White BlackBerry Torch 9810 now available from Rogers and Telus

White BlackBerry Torch 9810 now available from Rogers and Telus

We had heard and seen that the Torch 9810 would be made available in a white version but had no word on when and from what carriers. Telus and Rogers have just answered these questions by posting the white Torch 9810 for sale on both of their websites. The white Torch 9810 will run you the same prices as the grey from both carriers. There’s also been mention that AT&T will have the 9810 in white, but of course, that’s only after they actually get around to launching the device first.
Via: CrackBerry

BlackBerry Curve 9360 launching August 29 on Bell

BlackBerry Curve 9360 launching August 29 on Bell - We have seen numerous images and specifications of the Curve 9360 leaked in the past few months while RIM has yet to even mention the Curve brand in any official announcements. Now it seems that the Curve lovers may be getting something new to enjoy sooner rather than later. This leaked Bell slide shows that new BlackBerry Curve 9360 with “enhanced specifications” launching on August 29. This is the device that has been going by the codename Apollo and the rumored features include an 800 MHz processor, 480 x 360 screen, 5MP camera with flash, NFC, and BlackBerry 7. If this August 29th launch date holds true, we should see RIM officially announcing this new Berry sometime in the next week. Stay locked to TheBerryFix for more info on this Curve update.

Source: MobileSyrup

T-Mobile officially announces the BlackBerry Bold 9900 launch date – Launching August 31st

T-Mobile officially announces the BlackBerry Bold 9900 launch date – Launching August 31st
Over that past few weeks we’ve seen leaks upon leaks regarding T-Mobile launching the BlackBerry Bold 9900, and now things just got a little real. Today T-mobile has announced the availability of the all new BlackBerry Bold 9900. The Bold 9900 will be available initially to T-Mobile business customers for pre-sale and then on sale for consumers starting on August 31st. You can check out the full press release after the break.
Press Release:
T-Mobile Launches the BlackBerry Bold 9900,
Its First 4G BlackBerry Smartphone
Featuring the new BlackBerry 7 operating system, the smartphone will be T-Mobile’s fastest BlackBerry to date, leveraging a 1.2 GHz processor and America’s Largest 4G Network
BELLEVUE, Wash. — Aug. 17, 2011 — T-Mobile USA, Inc. today announced the upcoming nationwide availability of the first 4G BlackBerry® smartphone to run on America’s Largest 4G Network™ — the BlackBerry® Bold™ 9900. Available today in an exclusive pre-sale for T-Mobile business customers and launching nationwide on Aug. 31, the 4G-capable BlackBerry Bold 9900 is the thinnest BlackBerry smartphone ever (at only 10.5mm) and the first to offer the perfect union of a high-performance keyboard and brilliant touch display integrated within the iconic BlackBerry Bold design. Featuring a range of powerful hardware enhancements including a 1.2 GHz processor, Liquid Graphics™ technology 24-bit high-resolution graphics and advanced sensors, the new smartphone is designed to deliver the ultimate in communications, multimedia and productivity.
“T-Mobile is excited to add a BlackBerry smartphone to T-Mobile’s best 4G product lineup ever,” said Andrew Morrison, vice president, product management, T-Mobile USA. “With the new BlackBerry Bold 9900, we are offering our socially-active and business-minded customers a powerful device with a unique proposition — the pairing of a nationwide 4G network with the mobile communications efficiency that has become synonymous with BlackBerry smartphones.”
The BlackBerry Bold 9900 is powered by the new BlackBerry 7 operating system, which introduces a next-generation BlackBerry browser with a significantly faster, more fluid Web browsing experience that is among the best in the industry. Additional enhancements to this next-generation BlackBerry browser have also optimized zooming and panning for smoother Web navigation and optimized HTML5 performance for incredible gaming and video experiences.
“We continue to deliver innovative products for our customers, and we’re excited to offer our first 4G BlackBerry smartphone,” said Femi Lakeru, vice president of business sales, T-Mobile USA. “Since T-Mobile offers 4G speeds in more places than any other wireless broadband network in the U.S., CIOs can trust that the BlackBerry Bold 9900 will give their employees the ultimate combination of speed, productivity and security.”
T-Mobile’s high-speed 4G network continues to expand and is now available in more than 190 markets, reaching more than 200 million people nationwide*. With the addition of the BlackBerry Bold 9900, T-Mobile now offers a wide variety of 4G devices including smartphones, tablets, laptop sticks, a netbook and a mobile hotspot. Running on America’s Largest 4G Network, the BlackBerry Bold 9900 helps make life truly mobile — all at 4G speeds. Whether accessing email, sending an invoice, getting directions or uploading photos, T-Mobile customers stay connected and informed virtually anywhere life takes them.
The BlackBerry Bold 9900 smartphone continues the tradition of delivering a leading mobile communications experience with a highly refined and integrated suite of phone, email, messaging and social apps to keep users connected and productive throughout the day. Recent enhancements include the newest release of BBM™ (BlackBerry® Messenger), and an updated Social Feeds (2.0) app. The new Facebook® for BlackBerry smartphones (2.0) app introduces features like Facebook chat and BBM integration that make it easier for users to connect with their Facebook friends in real time.
The BlackBerry Bold 9900 is also the first device to come preloaded with T-Mobile’s new MobileLife® Family Organizer application. Powered by Cozi, MobileLife Family Organizer makes managing families’ busy schedules easier with centralized calendars, shopping lists, to-do lists, and family journals that allow family members to share updates with each other on the go. Calendar reminders can be sent by text or email allowing customers to avoid missing their kids’ soccer practice or an important shared appointment. More information about MobileLife Family Organizer can be found at
The BlackBerry Bold 9900 is expected to be available in an exclusive pre-sale for T-Mobile business customers beginning today, Aug. 17. The smartphone is expected to be available at T-Mobile retail stores and at select dealers and national retailers nationwide starting Aug. 31. For more information about T-Mobile products and services, please visit
T-Mobile’s 4G network has expanded to additional markets, including Atlantic City, N.J., and Florence, Ala. A complete list of all the markets where T-Mobile’s 4G network is live can be found at
For more information about T-Mobile’s 4G products, please visit
*T-Mobile’s HSPA+ 4G network not available everywhere
About T-Mobile USA
Based in Bellevue, Wash., T-Mobile USA, Inc. is the U.S. wireless operation of Deutsche Telekom AG. By the end of the second quarter of 2011, approximately 128 million mobile customers were served by the mobile communication segments of the Deutsche Telekom group — 33.6 million by T-Mobile USA — all via a common technology platform based on GSM and UMTS and additionally HSPA+ 21/HSPA+ 42. T-Mobile USA’s innovative wireless products and services help empower people to connect to those who matter most. Multiple independent research studies continue to rank T-Mobile USA among the highest in numerous regions throughout the U.S. in wireless customer care and call quality. For more information, please visit T-Mobile is a federally registered trademark of Deutsche Telekom AG. For further information on Deutsche Telekom, please visit
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements that reflect the current views of Deutsche Telekom management with respect to future events. These forward-looking statements may include statements with regard to the expected development of revenue, earnings, profits from operations, depreciation and amortization, cash flows and personnel-related measures. You should consider them with caution. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, most of which are difficult to predict and are generally beyond Deutsche Telekom’s control. Among the factors that might influence our ability to achieve our objectives are the progress of our workforce reduction initiative and other cost-saving measures, and the impact of other significant strategic, labor or business initiatives, including acquisitions, dispositions and business combinations, and our network upgrade and expansion initiatives. In addition, stronger than expected competition, technological change, legal proceedings and regulatory developments, among other factors, may have a material adverse effect on our costs and revenue development. Further, the economic downturn in our markets, and changes in interest and currency exchange rates, may also have an impact on our business development and the availability of financing on favorable conditions. Changes to our expectations concerning future cash flows may lead to impairment write downs of assets carried at historical cost, which may materially affect our results at the group and operating segment levels. If these or other risks and uncertainties materialize, or if the assumptions underlying any of these statements prove incorrect, our actual performance may materially differ from the performance expressed or implied by forward-looking statements. We can offer no assurance that our estimates or expectations will be achieved. Without prejudice to existing obligations under capital market law, we do not assume any obligation to update forward-looking statements to take new information or future events into account or otherwise.
In addition to figures prepared in accordance with IFRS, Deutsche Telekom also presents non-GAAP financial performance measures, including, among others, EBITDA, EBITDA margin, adjusted EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA margin, adjusted EBIT, adjusted net income, free cash flow, gross debt and net debt. These non-GAAP measures should be considered in addition to, but not as a substitute for, the information prepared in accordance with IFRS. Non-GAAP financial performance measures are not subject to IFRS or any other generally accepted accounting principles. Other companies may define these terms in different ways.
Media Contacts
Jon Eliav
T-Mobile USA Media Relations
(425) 378-4002
The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and trademarks of Research In Motion Limited.

OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9930 Leaked

OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9930 Leaked
Yesterday we saw OS build .308 for the Bold 9930 leak and today we have another leak for the brand ne Bold 9930. This OS is and works on the CDMA Bold 9930. This OS version unlocks NFC on the 9930, something that previous versions have lacked. Besides that there are a few minor application version updates and bug fixes. If you have a new 9930 and are feeling a little adventurous, hit the link below to start your BlackBerry 7 upgrade journey.

**WARNING: This is not an official release for BlackBerry and therefore has not been fully tested and may contain bugs. cannot be held responsible for any issues that may arise ether during or after installation. You are installing the leak by choice. To help the BlackBerry community please don’t forget to post your findings in the comments.
Source: N4BB

BlackBerry Curve 9360 & 9370 lift their battery doors for FCC inspection

BlackBerry Curve 9360 & 9370 lift their battery doors for FCC inspection
We just told you about RIM’s August 23rd press event in London and now we may have a little more information to go along with that story. The BlackBerry Curve 9360 and 9370 have just passed through FCC certification and gotten the seal of approval. The filings don’t reveal any unknown specs to us, but they do confirm that NFC is on board. We’re looking to see BlackBerry 7, an 800 MHz processor, and possibly even 4G LTE on the new Curve models. You can take a look at the FCC filings at the link below.

Social BlackBerry Music Service

Social BlackBerry Music Service - Download Blackberry Music Streaming Store Apps.We got some new information regarding the rumored BlackBerry music service and I’m not sure what to think just yet but I am quite intrigued. One of my personal favorite features of BlackBerry Messenger is the ability to show the music you are listening to in your status, and always thought it was a shame that neither Slacker Radio or Pandora plugged into this feature. This is one reason I don’t think I’d ever subscribe to the premium level of either service. It seems that this BlackBerry variation may be the answer and I am excited to check it out once available.

Users will have to download the new standalone BlackBerry music app from App World
Once installed, there *should* be a free trial (may vary by country/carrier – but expect a month free)
Once the free trial expires, the service will cost $5/mo.
With the app installed, you can choose up to 50 songs of your choice. Apparently the catalog selection is pretty good!
From there, you invite your contacts via BBM, etc. to also download the app if they don’t have it and join your music sharing network (invited contacts must pay the $5/mo. also to take part and remain part of the service).
From there, you can listen to not only the 50 songs you’ve selected), but any of the 50 songs from your music sharing network. So if you have 20 contacts, you’ll have access to 1,000 other songs in addition to your 50. We’re not sure yet if there’s a limit to how many people you can share with, but essentially the more people in your music sharing group the more music you’ll have access to.

Be sure to leave comments letting us know what you think about the BlackBerry Music service.
Source: CrackBerry

TweetCaster for BlackBerry now officially available!

TweetCaster for BlackBerry now officially available! - TweetCaster is an app that has been around for a few years in beta form but hasn’t been officially released. That is until now, at least. OneLouder Apps has just released the official version of TweetCaster, version 1.2.0, into App World. Some of the features include:

Multiple Twitter account support
Simultaneously post to Twitter and Facebook
Retweet with or without comment
Manage Twitter lists
Advanced profile editing
Nearby/Geolocation functionality
Save and manage drafts
Advanced search
Full trending topics
Share tweets to email, Facebook, and BlackBerry® Messenger

TweetCaster is available in both a free, ad-supported version, as well as a premium version with no ads that’ll run you $4.99. The app works on all devices running OS 5.0 or higher and is available in all countries. If the native Twitter app isin’t cutting it for you or if you’re just in the hunt for a new Twitter client, give TweetCaster a try today.

BlackBerry Bold 9930 and Torch 9850 now available from Sprint

BlackBerry Bold 9930 and Torch 9850 now available from Sprint

It’s August 21st and that means that it’s the official launch day for both the Bold 9930 and Torch 9850 from Sprint. You can get your new Sprint BlackBerry either online or in store beginning now! The Bold 9930 will run you $199.99 and the Torch 9850 is $149.99, both with a 2-year service contract. If you’re a Sprint customer looking to upgrade to BlackBerry 7, today is the day to do it. Go into your local Sprint location or hit the link below to get your shiny, new BlackBerry 7 device today.

Purchase the BlackBerry Bold 9930 or Torch 9850 at Sprint

BlackBerry Torch 9810 now available from AT&T – Grey or White for $49.99

BlackBerry Torch 9810 now available from AT&T – Grey or White for $49.99

AT&T has just completed the BlackBerry 7 device trifecta for the United States with their launch of the BlackBerry Torch 9810. Now Americans can get their hands on all three new BlackBerry 7 device models; however, you may have to switch carriers depending on the specific device you’re looking for. AT&T is selling the Torch 9810 for just $49.99 with a 2-year service agreement. You also get your choice of color with AT&T, either Zinc Grey or Pure White. It’s AT&T’s first “4G” BlackBerry, delivering speeds up to 14mbps using HSPA+ technology. If you’re an American looking to grab a new Torch 9810 then you’ll want to hit up the AT&T website to get yours today.

Purchase the BlackBerry Torch 9810 from AT&T

blackberry bold 9900 and 9930 release date

Blackberry bold 9900 and 9930 release date - blackberry bold 9900 and 9930 singapore malaysia release date,
It’s August 21st and that means that it’s the official launch day for both the Bold 9930 and Torch 9850 from Sprint. You can get your new Sprint BlackBerry either online or in store beginning now! The Bold 9930 will run you $199.99 and the Torch 9850 is $149.99, both with a 2-year service contract. If you’re a Sprint customer looking to upgrade to BlackBerry 7, today is the day to do it. Go into your local Sprint location or hit the link below to get your shiny, new BlackBerry 7 device today.

BlackBerry OS7 Upgrade Now

BlackBerry OS7 Upgrade Now - Research In Motion announced the plan launched five smartphone devices with its newest BlackBerry operating system, 7.

With carrier partners and their distribution throughout the world, ready-to-RIM introduced two models of the latest BlackBerry Bold (9900/9930) as well as three newer model BlackBerry Torch (9810, 9850 and 9860). So RIM through the broadcast of a press release expressed through the site Crackberry, Wednesday (3/8/2011).

"This is the largest global launch we've ever done," cetus President and Co-CEO of RIM's Mike Lazaridis.

"A solution from BlackBerry to offer mobile communication experience the best in its class. We think consumers will be delighted with the performance of your mobile phone as well as faster browsing, as well as with richer multimedia features of the BlackBerry Bold and Torch this latest, "he added.

Display the software and hardware devices from RIM, the five smartphone lets users pick a design and functionality that best suits their needs.

In addition to showcasing the latest software version (OS7), the five smartphone is also given a 1, 2 GHz processor, high resolution graphics (24-bit) as well as advanced sensor-based applications for augmented reality

Sunday, 7 August 2011

BlackBerry Messenger Version 6 More Integrated

Research In Motion (RIM) introduced the BlackBerry Messenger version 6 (BBM 6) which support the Connected BBM applications, allowing users to connect to fellow users to share applications.

For example, when users BBM 6 download the exciting games and can be played by several people, he can invite friends to play game and sharing applications while chatting in real time without leaving the game.

"BBM 6 marked the beginning of social networking experience better for users of BlackBerry smartphones," said Alistair Mitchell, Vice President of Platform and Integrated Services BBM RIM, said in a statement yesterday.

To be able to get instant messaging services more integrated, users can download at BlackBerry App World. Mitchell added that the presence of BBM 6 open opportunities for developers to enrich the content of their application.

In addition, the BlackBerry Messenger 6 can be used to check in at the Foursquare and send notifications to friends of the existence of its users. The terms BlackBerry phones that can run BBM 6 at least using the BlackBerry OS 5.0 platform and later.
Some applications are already integrated in the BBM 6 service, including location-based social networking applications, Koprol and Foursguare; game developer Magmic and Elistas; and media, Huffington-Post and ScoreMedia. *

Push Notification Twitter Comes to Android

Push Notification Twitter Comes to Android - Twitter have just updated the app for Android, bringing the features most requested Google mobile community.

New features provided it is a push notification. Yes, this means that when users get a Direct Message or any other activity on their Twitter account, a notification will appear in the form of a pop-up in the status bar of Android.

Before there was this feature, users must set their applications to manually refresh every few minutes or directly access the application to get the latest updates.

Quoted from TG Daily, Sunday (5/7/2011), push notification now just like Android applications to Facebook, where those features are standard features that are required.

Another Update that added Twitter is the ability to ' conjure ' more than one Twitter account from the same application. Many people today have more than one Twitter account to separate activity between their work and personal life.

Now, there is no limit to the number of accounts that will be associated with that application. Switching from a Twitter account that one to the other is as easy as touching a button to access the menu ' Accounts '.

It should be noted, however, users should be careful that this does not make them easy to post updates on your account.

The latest version of Twitter for Android is available in Android Market as a free download.

VooMote One, change the iPhone Become Remote TV

VooMote One, change the iPhone Become Remote TV - Manufacturer based in Germany named Zero1. for directing tv application called The VooMote One could ' change ' iPhone into multi controller functions. Not only can make an iPhone as a remote TV, this application can also set other electronic devices-devices.

The VooMote One also can work in almost all the television model, it can also be run on a DVD player and stereo so users also do not have to go to perform controls on these items. Just by touching a finger to the buttons on your mobile phone, users can run a full control.

Reported by from DailyMail, Thursday (29/7/2011), he worked with the help of wireless technology and capturing more than 30,000 kord infra red and hundreds of electronic devices. When together, it is compatible with 574 brand TV, 995 brand Top Box/DVR, 151 brand audio and CD.

Other comfort to be had by Zero1. tv user is he features ' Room Control ' which allows users to classify the tools he wants to control based on location, for example living room or kitchen. Then with "One Touch", the user can save the commands that are commonly used and set a number of command with just one click.

Add the add-on in any iPhone You will not interfere with the functionality of a smartphone like the camera, the on/off or incoming calls. Unfortunately, the tools can also work on iPod touch (2 g-4 g) is only available in America at a price of USD 99.

Rhythm Guitar Apps For iPad : Lets Go Rock!!

Rhythm Guitar Apps For iPad : Lets Go Rock!! - iTunes offers a wide array of playable music apps on the iPad. But one that might dijajal is a Rhythm Guitar, try to offer a new experience of playing the guitar at the top of the screen width of a tablet PC.

This application is itself a besutan PT Global Dynamics engineering. Seen at a glance, the application has a number of features that can be optimized for users to create memadupadankan key songs.

On the left side of the screen there is a button-button key track, volume up to feature to adjust the tension of the strings on the guitar. How it works almost the same as the original guitar, the strings can be made from the stem of this access. Wanting to stem higher or lower.

The user was given the freedom to choose what kind of guitar they want. Want to model classical guitar strings using an acoustic guitar with nylon strings, a string, or an electric guitar distortion effect equipped for more thrilling atmosphere.

As for the digital guitar string of this application is in the top right of the screen that displays are adapted to the chosen type of guitar. For example, if you selected the bowed acoustic guitar, nylon string ' look ' as well as the real nylon guitar. Similarly with other guitar models.

Then how do I use? Yes, as usual, just shake Your fingers stay alone. Or if you want to play the song relax, do it with quotes.

Rhythm Guitar also includes features to give you additional choices regarding the way of shuffling the strings. This special feature will open the display as a true piano toots to represent strings-strings.

So if there are users who have difficulty to menggenjreng digital, then strings are encouraged to choose the mode of this setting. Because this way the user easier for menggenjreng strings or plucked.Another advantage of this application is able to terintegerasi with the song files are located in the library tracks the iPad. For example, in the iPad there song ' Yesterday ' besutan The Beatles, then we can play the song while playing the Rhythm Guitar.

If you want more fun again, live search and the key song lyrics (chord) on the internet, so that all could collaborate. The song is playing favorites, and we can try to play it by looking at the lyrics and the key song on Rhythm Guitar.

A brief word, application on iTunes dibanderol costing USD 2.99 this is worth dijajal to feel new sensations of playing guitar on a tablet computer.

But for the early, it felt a little bit of difficulty to play it. Understandably, original guitar and hand on the tablet PC is much different. However, for completeness of the features and options that are offered, this application is quite promising.

GLMPS iPhone App as Instagram Killer

GLMPS iPhone App as Instagram Killer - GLMPS, a new app for the iPhone for those who menggungah photographs. Unlike the similar application's rising i.e. Instagram, GLMPS not only can upload photographs but also a brief video.

This application does indeed favor such ability to share the moving image, in addition to still images (photographs). Users in the same time it is possible to share photos and video duration 5 seconds on his friends on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and Foursquare.

So in addition to be able to enjoy the photos, the recipient can view the content as well as the photos were taken before the moment. This is the distinguishing owned GLPMS compared to other similar applications.

However, it is reported by from Mashable, Saturday (6/8/2011), this app brings some drawbacks compared to the district Instagram. For example, simplicity.

In addition it's also about quality. Tim GLMPS sure that many will upload a video through your phone so that the video quality will be decompressed and this resulted in a resolution that it generates.

The application above this myself can already try it directly through the Apple Store or via the official website.

IBM System X3620 M3

IBM System X3620 M3 - Who says IBM 2U RackMount servers is expensive? NOT ANYMORE!
IBM System x3620M3 is the latest server from IBM that will change your expectations that now IBM server Rack Type can be reached by all types of companies.

Product information:
-2U Rack Type
-Latest Processor from Intel, Nehalem and Westmere Sunday.
-Support Raid 0, 1, 5.10
-Expandable to 16TB, using 3.5 hard drive "
--12 DIMM Slots

This Server is suitable for:
-File servers
-OnLine Games
-Web Search

Advantages of buying IBM System x3620 M3
-Cheap Prices
-Save Energy
-Large data storage Capacity.
-Easily upgradable in accordance with the wishes of the user.
-Supports multiple configurasi
-With the support of IBM warranty for 3 year old can make you feel safe from the constraints of the server without removing the error when the server they will be at the cost of servicing.
Form Factor/Height Rack/2U
Processor (max) Up to two 2.93 GHz Intel Xeon 5600 series processors with QuickPath Interconnect (QPI) technology. Also supports select Intel Xeon 5500 series processors
Number of Processors (std/max) One/two
Cache (max) Up to 12 MB Level 3 (L3)
Memory (max) Up to 96 GB in 12 slots, using Registered Dual Inline Memory Modules (RDIMMs)1
Expansion Slots Two x8 PCle Gen II slots and one x4 PCle Gen II buried slot
Disk Bays
(total/hot swap)
Up to four 3.5"simple-swap Serial advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) HDDs or up to eight 3.5"hot-swap Serial Advanced SCSI (SAS)/SATA HDDs
Maximum Internal Storage Up to 16.0 TB hot-swap SAS or SATA
Network Interface Integrated two ports
Power Supply (std/max) One/two, 675 W each
Hot-Swap Components
power supplies, HDDs
RAID Support Embedded software RAID-0, -1 or hardware RAID-0, -1E or RAID-0, -1,-10 (optional -5 with SED function) or RAID-0,-1,-10,-5,-50 (optional -6.-60 with SED function and optional battery). model dependent
Systems  Management IBM IMM with Virtual Media Key, Predictive Failure Analysis, Integrated Service Processor, light path diagnostics panel,Automatic Server Restart, IBM Systems Director and Active Energy Manager, IBM ServerGuide
Operating Systems Supported Microsoft Window Server 2008 R2, 2008, 2003 R2, 2003 SBS R2, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) and VMware ESXi 4.0 embedded hypervisor
Limited Warranty Three year customer replaceable unit (CRU) and on-site limited warranty

Randi Zuckerberg Leave Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg Leave Facebook - One family member left the ranks of the officers of the Zuckerberg of Facebook. Don't be surprised, that person is not the CEO and founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, Randi Zuckerberg, sister of Mark.

Randi himself had previously served as Director of Marketing for Facebook. But a bold decision taken this woman after Facebook Central meraksasa to start a new adventure in the company which he founded himself.

Like her sister, Randi would of course like to also carve out success with a company that was born out of his hand. To that end, he came out of Facebook and pioneered the RtoZ Media, a company designed to help companies to be more ' social '.

Randi's resignation letter had been handed over to the Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and Head of Communication, Elliot Scharge. And Facebook was already gives his confirmation.

In a letter to resign him, Randi mention that now is the right time for him to leave Facebook, having joined since 2004.

"I have spent many years on Facebook with pour soul raga into innovation and encouraging media industry forward new concepts introduced in the social life," she wrote.

"We have been reaching remarkable progress, but there is still to be done to make a change. Now is the right time for me to get out of Facebook, "he continued, cited detikINET of All Thing Digital, Thursday (4/8/2011).

No mention of how Mark Zuckerberg on leave the elder. Include who will fill the position left by Randi.

BlackBerry Bold 9900 Release Date in Setember

BlackBerry Bold 9900 Release Date in Setember -The latest Smartphone flagship Research In Motion (RIM) BlackBerry Bold 9900, seems to be still long enough to pitch in the world mobile market. The latest news, mentions the BlackBerry handset that brings the most immediate present OS7 in September.

This prediction was taken after the results of the ' investigation ' are made against a number of telecommunications operators who become a partner of RIM.

A spokesman for the Orange for example, say that they actually expect Bold 9900 was to be launched in July or August. But hope abide hopes, Orange gets the information if the presence of the sail to be touch ngaret from its original schedule.

While the other operator, T-Mobile, confess to Best Mobile Contracts and quoted detikINET, Friday (30/6/2011), that they schedule a Bold 9900 to released to the market in September.

Likewise with Three operators in the United Kingdom. They say, look at the conditions there are the fastest, thinnest BlackBerry ever made RIM it is almost certainly present in the month of September.

First time RIM'S own showcased Bold 9900 in the BlackBerry World 2011 takes place in Orlando, United States. Seen from this overview of the design, the device is similar to the original version of the Bold (9000 series), launched in 2008. It's just that, Bold 9900 appear more elegant with 2.8 inch wide screen.

The most alluring of Bold 9900 it is all about thinnes, which is just as thick as 10.5 mm, thus making it the thinnest BlackBerry smartphone available today.

Even though it has touch screen capabilities, Bold 9900 still bear the design of the original Bold. I.e., keep using the qwerty keyboard--in contrast to the BlackBerry series-which despite the Torch-type touch screen but have a wide screen and full qwerty keyboard with a version of the slide.

One andalaan features Bold 9900 is dibenamkannya BlackBerry OS 7. This is the newest BlackBerry operating system that is claimed to be making a BlackBerry smartphone faster and easier operation.

This device will be created two versions, a series for GSM and 9900 Series Bold 9930 for CDMA segment.

These specifications are from the Bold 9900/9930:

Dimensions 115 x 66 x 10.5 mm
2.8 ' capacitive touch screen display-VGA (640 x 480), 287 dpi resolution
ultra-easy qwerty keyboard, optical trackpad
1.2 GHz Processor, 768 MB RAM
8 GB on-board memory, plus microSD slot supporting up to 32 GB cards
NFC technology
5.0 MP camera, supports 720 p HD video recording
Orientation Sensor (Accelerometer), Digital Compass (Magnetometer), Proximity Sensor
Built-in GPS/aGPS
Dual-Band Wi-Fi ® 802.11 b/g/n at 2.4 GHz and 802 .11A/n at 5 GHz
Bluetooth ® 2.1 + EDR support
Wireless Network support:
9900: Tri-Band HSPA +, Quad-Band GSM/EDGE
9930: Dual-Band CDMA/EV-DO Rev. A, Dual-Band HSPA +, Quad-Band GSM/EDGE
1230 mAh removable, rechargeable battery