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Tuesday, 23 August 2011

DealGoing Indonesia, Situs Agregator Social Commerce

DealGoing Indonesia, Situs Agregator Social Commerce - Social commerce today has sprung up to offer a selection of our products are sold in cyberspace. By utilizing a State like this then, DealGoing which is the aggregate in order to accommodate large number of social commerce in Indonesia.

The Aggregate might still very unfamiliar to our ears. Aggregate here means a collection of some social commerce that is sorted by the ranking of a product that is very popular and widely consumed by the customers. The current behavior or culture to consume the goods have found a new way. Advertising on television is currently less trigger the desire of people to consume the goods. This is due to a sense of lack of trust in the goods that are offered through advertising.

Social Media like Facebook and Twitter are now a lot of attention from the community Indonesia suck. Even this nation has entered into the ranks of countries with the greatest social media users in the world. The link between social media is now when someone buys a product and its mempublish in social media, then it can be seen in the crowd, so that it will trigger other people to buy these products because they believe more in a friend's recommendation is actually using these items.

"People now believe more in social media effect whereby if there is a friend of his who promote a good stuff in there, then your friends on social media both known and unknown, could be compelled to buy products that have been recommended. This is new behavior in the transaction, "said Lukman Tedi, the Virtual Founder of Online Strategic Consulting, DealGoing on-line marketing partner.

DealGoing different with social commerce because dealGoing is meta social commerce, social networking sites are interlinked like collection of several social commerce unite in order to be selected more selective by online consumers. The bottom line, DealGoing help how the whole social commerce more acquaint their goods on consumers.

"DealGoing different with social commerce because we are a collection of information about a product sold through discount or vocer. To create a classification based on rank to make these products meet consumer satisfaction due to visible ranking on such products indicates the popularity of the goods sold are sold. We benefit based on a large number of visitors who see the DealGoing or of kliknya paper, "explains Edward Kim, co-founder of DealGoing.

It appears that the establishment of the DealGoing where appropriate, seeing as much social commece with daily deal emerged, based on the location and other categories of products, and Edward is attempting to make DealGoing a meta social commerce no. 1 in Asia.

"We build DealGoing as an aggregate Indonesia first in Asia that provides convenience for consumers online who need speed, data accuracy and ease. This is due to the increasing number of any user of the internet in Indonesia which reached 45 million users (According To the year 2010). With a high level of mobility, of course, the internet users only have a little time to dance to attractive offers. DealGoing attend to give ease on consumers online to get information that can be viewed through a single opening on the display screen, "said Edward

Prior to its inauguration DealGoing have prepared a few technologies that can support the aggregate process goes well. First, the social commerce partners with DealGoing to provide information to visitors through RSS, besides social commerce that wants to team up to deliver the information in realtime by sending their data via an XML script, so that any deal will appear and update in realtime in a display of DealGoing. XML is a technology advertising that can present information directly.

The second step is done DealGoing is using the latest cloud server technology from Microsoft. Cloud technology is indeed very helpful on your server to start a business online with a simple and could hit the production costs. The use of the cloud is elastic, i.e. can change according to the needs of the solicitor, in either large or small scale. Later, the cloud can be accessed anywhere, anytime and on any device.

"It set up an aggregator on top of Microsoft technologies for Cloud computing, the underlining that Microsoft technology is the best solution for our society that is increasingly mobile and borderless," sparks Irving Hutagalung, ISV and Enterpreneurship Program Manager, Microsoft Indonesia.

DealGoing adopt a cloud computing solution developed PT. Infinys System named CloudWin Indonesia, which uses the platform from Microsoft. "For social commerce as meta DealGoing, one of the products in cloud computing,